
An open-source Flappy Bird clone with full customizability.

How to Play


Or, download the Flapp.html file and run it in your browser (usually by double-clicking the file.)


Flap - W, Up, Space, Z, Mouse1

Move Left - Left Arrow, A

Move Right - Right Arrow, D


Your game settings will likely look something like this:


groundspeed - How fast the ground moves.

jumpheight - How high the bird jumps.

gravity - Gravity. Set to a positive to make upward gravity, set to a negative for downward gravity.

pipedistance - How far the pipes are apart.

pipespacing - The space between the top pipe and the bottom pipe.

pipeychange - How much the pipe’s position can change. The lower the number, the closer the new pipe will be to the old pipe.

tiltmin - Minimum tilt, in degrees.

tiltmax - Maximum tilt, in degrees.

horizontalmode - Set to 1 to enable Horizontal Mode, where the bird can also move left and right.

birdspeed - How fast the bird moves horizontally.

birddrag - How fast the bird slows down horizontally.

movementtype - Changes how the bird moves. 1 - Normal 2 - Dart 3 - Ship 4 - Swingcopter